Category Archives: Announcements

Bigger, Bolder, Crazier!


Sort of.

I’ll be honest with you folks, it’s been a tumultuous time for your old pal CD. Both imagined plights and real. But I’m not here to tell you to give up hope. Quite the opposite. I’m telling you now is the time to seize the day, chase the dragon, get the cat hair out of the carpet, that kind of jazz.

Henceforth, I will be seizing said day and going forth to expand my media empire! What does this mean, exactly. I’ll tell you exactly what it means. It means I’m starting a podcast!

Now before you roll your eyes, hear me out. Practically all of my posts here have been delivered in my voice. But you can’t exactly hear it, can you? Unless you’re as crazy—erm—imaginative as I am.

So I’m trying at my hand and diving in to the realm of the interwebs to literally make my voice heard. This includes the podcast, a YouTube channel and even a Twitter account. The only next step is making content to fill it all up.

So that’s what I’ll be turning my attention towards. Making a bunch of fresh wacky new content for you all to enjoy or just turn on in the background when you’re jogging or in a University lecture or something. Not that I’m advocating listening to me instead of your educational institution…

Thanks to any and all of my fans out there. This is a whole new world for me and one that I feel slightly under equipped for. But I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t care about my adoring public or the stuff I write about, so here we are.

This isn’t a goodbye to this blog either. I will return here periodically to discuss things in writing-style rather than talking-style. Or to publish bits and pieces of my musings. But I think in order to spread my wings, I gotta dedicate my assets to other platforms, for the greater good (The Greater Good).

The future is bright for Crazy Davis, Hope you stick around to see it.

Heading Into The Unknown,

PS How good does Tenet look? I’m seeing it tomorrow. I’m sure it’s peripherally related enough to comic books that I’ll have an excuse to talk about it. Anyhoo, Ciao!

The Motherfreakin’ Batman – Finally Revealed!


Good grief folks, I haven’t been this excited about a Batman story since Dark Nights: Metal and lemme tell ya, that one was a doozy.

Look, maybe it’s just because this is pretty much the only information we’ve received since the damn film was announced, but I can say with confidence that it has been well worth the wait to actually see a snippet of what we’re gonna see. And at the risk of repeating myself, it’s one hell of a snippet.

I mean, the only possible thing that could make this better would be-OH MY GOD IT’S DRAWN BY JIM LEE THAT’S IT IT’S PERFECT, HANDS DOWN!

The energy of this piece emanates the pure essence of Batman, and it makes me feel like an edgy twelve year old again in all the best possible ways. Everything from the eyes, to the gargoyle to the cape is just an absolute chef’s kiss to a bowl of delectable Batman soup. And it’s a soup that I’d actually consider having for once (I’m a fussy eater).

The other good news is that we can reasonably expect a trailer to come out soon! That’s what the DC Fandome thing in the bottom left is for, it’s basically an online comic-con but for DC stuff. And you can bet your Batman-dollar I’ll be tuning in to see at 1 am on a Sunday. That’s the sort of dedication you can expect from me, Crazy Davis!

So yeah, I’m excited, you’re excited, the whole world should be excited! And while I’m well aware this is like the 7th or 8th Batman reboot we’ve seen, I think this one will be a cut above the rest. Here’s hoping!

I’ll see you soon to discuss my hopes and aspiration for The Batman.

Ugh, even the name is cool. The Batman. I could say that all day. You know what, I think I will.

The Batman,



…In about Four days.

That’s right, carpet enthusiasts, Crazy Davis is doing a Star Wars! I figure May the 4th-Wait.

Oooooh, “May the 4th”. As in “May the force be with you”. That’s pretty good, I’ll pay that.

So yeah, as you may no, I’m quite the SW fan. As you may know, I do enjoy the current run of comics, especially Star Wars The Rise of Kylo Ren (good series, would recommend) so maybe that’ll factor in the very very special post I’ll save for the day itself!

Maybe. Don’t get your hopes up. I still need to tidy it up a tad. And get the fireants out of my new stock of shag carpets.

But watch this space for a very special Star Wars treat just for you very soon! I promise it’ll be very enjoyable.

For me. Who knows how you’ll take it. See you back here on Monday!

Live long and prosper,